
About this site

You can find articles in the articles section, this is about software development. Also, between 2020 and 2022 I wrote Linux articles for the Baeldung website, you can read them here.

And I may write general stuff and thoughts in the blog section.

When I'm confident enought about some never-ending-never-completed side projects, I push them to my gitweb.

About this site development

Keep It Simple, Stupid.

This website is made with HTML and CSS. No Javascript, no cookies, no popups, no ads. Just a website. Somehow inspired by The Perfect Motherfucking Website (but they are better). The style uses Solarized colors and Libertinus fonts. Also, the style tries to be similar to a LaTeX article.

To easily add content to this website, I use the Zola static site generator. So, the articles are written in Markdown first, and then converted to HTML. Those articles are then inserted inside some HTML templates.

The server uses OpenBSD, and it's running a Tor middle relay called BobDobbs.

About me

Swimming, Coffee, and Heavy Metal.

My name is Nicolás Dato, born in Argentina in 1991, and you can read more detailed information in my Resume/CV.

Long story short, my professional career is +10 years of C experience and +3 years of Java experience. Also +10 years of experience with Bash, Perl, Linux, etc. Excluding Java, all other experience is in the broadcast industry, developing software at 3Way Solutions. We produce systems to receive, monitor, analize, and transmit video/audio content, such as TV and radio. I'm also a freelancer for Boreal IT, working with Java, .NET, React, and whatever they need.

When I'm in the mood and I have some free time, I contribute to the OpenStreetMap project and Wikipedia.

And I also swim, even when I'm not in the mood or I don't have free time.

About my computer

Richard Stallman is right.

I use the Slackware Linux distribution. I try stick to free software and avoid software and websites that tracks people and ignores privacy. Also, I like self-hosting, and using lightweight and simple software. I like and use some of suckless software. I prefer the editor of the beast over emacs.

My computer runs a local Searxng engine configured to use DuckDuckGo, Qwant, and Startpage. And I have a MediaWiki self-hosted. I used to run a Tor middle relay on my computer, but I had to shut it down when the IT security team of a client thought I was connecting to their VPN over Tor.